Monday, March 5, 2012

4 new birds

Hello fellow bird watchers. Those of you who follow skyler bol's blog might think that this title is familiar, and it is but I wasn't feeling really creative. For this birding trip I did, I went around Timnath reservoir where I found a white-winged dove perched on a post. As I was heading back home, a bird flew over the car. I immediately said KESTREL but then took a further look at the bird through my binoculars. Well what do you know, it was a prairie falcon. So far I had already found 2 new birds for my big year. I then headed over to fossil creek reservoir so that I could hear the calls of a western Meadowlark in the grass. As I was walking the trail I looked up into a tree and used my binoculars to get a better visual of what I thought was a red-tailed hawk, but no, not this time, this was a rough-legged hawk. But what was that one bird behind it!? I asked a fellow bird watcher if I could borrow his spotting scope. I focused in on the bird, and son of a Nutcracker. I found a short-eared owl staring dead centered at me. 4 new birds and a big year list coming close to about 90. This was a spectacular day! Make sure to check out my friend Skyler Bol's blog at

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those are supper rare birds, cool! There has been a Merlin around the neighborhood. Although this is a winter bird spring has also started!
